Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Damage Of A Gullet To Cervical Department, Besides

Damage of a gullet to cervical department, besides the symptoms connected with damage of vessels, a throat or a trachea, - pains at swallowing, a saliva and the swallowed food and a liquid in a wound. Treatment: at. Small damages defect in a wall take in a seam. At extensive damages of edge of a wound file to a skin for formation and the subsequent plastic arts. For feeding of the patient impose . Not diagnosed damage of a gullet at chipped wounds of a neck leads to development . ABSCESSES AND NECK PHLEGMONS Abscesses and phlegmons of a neck are a consequence purulent , developing as a result of of infection drift at a tonsillitis, an inflammation jaws, mucous membranes - of an oral cavity, a middle ear, a cavity of a nose and its additional cavities is more often-. deep abscesses and neck phlegmons are dangerous because of such developing complications, as a sepsis, a heavy - intoxication, transition of a suppuration to walls of blood vessels with their subsequent destruction and a massive bleeding-, vein thrombosis development, and brain abscesses.


Infection Yeast Herpes said...

And so, patients with the fourth degree there were among them no more than fifty. Time has not sufficed ten me a scale of medical scales that them to weigh. These scales, by the way, are calculated a maximum on 160 kg. Were and simply depressing cases. I recollect one fellow who at the age of 18 years at growth of an order of 165 centimetres weighed kgs 170. He choked with excessive weight even in position sitting. Still, after all it weighed almost three times more than to it followed! 6 Here the formula for definition of an index of Ketle ( ): = (Kg): 2 (), Where M - weight of a body, - growth.

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Methods of intensive therapy are therapy and pharmacotherapy artificial ventilation of lungs artificial various ways a hemodialysis blood transfusions a liver a hemodialysis a dialysis by means of the device « an artificial kidney » etc.